With Google processing 100 million searches a month (average of 40,000 search queries every second) and 89.3% of internet users using Google Search Engine, there is truly something about Google. And the most successful way of earning through Google being Adwords, you can’t miss having a chunk of the pie.
Google’s AdWords,the world’s biggest advertiser and the main source of income of the world’s largest company, requires no introduction. However, it’s important to clarify that AdWords made it to the top with its simple and economical strategy, which mostly refers to CPC (Cost Per Click), meaning you don’t pay a monthly advertisement fee, but instead, only when potential customers click your ad.
If you are still not decisive to opt for AdWords program, then see some more astonishing facts about Google AdWords:
- 97% of Google revenue is through Google AdWords
- For every $1 spent on Google AdWords, the average a business generates is $2 in revenue
- AdWords competitive rate of 87% allows your advertisement to fairly promote your business (any products or services) making you a competitor to those in similar industries whether big or small.
- Google’s display campaigns reach is 80% of global internet users
- Number of Google Advertisers: Over 4 million
Google Adwords -Guaranteed success, and how to actually seize it
With a $51.81 billion revenue in 2015 only, it goes without saying that AdWords is the springboard for most (if not all) of the businesses that advertise online. The companies that offer similar services always try to stay on top of each other, but not all of those utilise all the AdWords improvement options that are available nowadays.

1. Keyword research
In order to control where and how your business is advertised, you need to carefully decide on what the keywords behind your ads are. This doesn’t translate to simply determining the keywords that fit your services, but as the title says, encompasses a variety of actions taken to ensure the optimal ‘clickability’ of your ads. The Adwords Keyword Planner lets you calculate that for free. Come up with the most relevant keywords and write them down, then paste your list into the Keyword Planner for a display of search frequency and competitiveness of your keywords.
2. Keyword organisation
Your previously researched keywords should then be organised into ad groups. Depending on the variety of services that your business offers, these groups may thrive in number. Keep in mind this simple definition during your group organisation: “One service, one group.’’ Basically, if you own a private hospital, arthritis treatment and plastic surgery belong to two completely different ad groups, each with their own keyword requirements.
3. Group specific keywords
Make sure that every ad you write is accommodated to its search group. This means you have to write a lot of similar but different ads, the only difference being in one or two sentences that fit the group’s keyword better, meaning you should always have a multitude of keyword-focused sentences within one ad group. Focusing on this strategy also means an increase in your Quality Score.
4. Exact Match targeting
EM targeting allows you to place your ads into a one-word restricted search category, allowing for a clean and more risk-free advertising campaign, as your ads are then most likely to be clicked on by consumers who searched for that exact service, instead of those who casually browse and may or may not be interested in your offer.
5. Location targeting
This is especially important for smaller, starting businesses. If your services are restricted to a specific area, make sure that your ads are displayed only to those who browse within that region, otherwise, you may end up paying for meaningless clicks of consumers who live outside of your business’s domain. If you don’t follow this method through, you may also gradually decrease your Quality Score and the overall relevance of your ads, as word spreads fast and Google also takes into account how many customers you have actually serviced.
6. Relevant destinations
It should go without saying that your group-specific ad should land those who click it onto the page that describes and offers the specific service that you are advertising instead of your business website’s homepage. However, many business owners still tend to oversee this mistake, thus missing out on another unique opportunity of increasing their valuable Quality Score.

7. Analytics
Google Analytics is the essential tool for managing any online business successfully. Using Google Analytics, you can track every relevant stat of your ad campaign, including the time spent on your site, ad cost conversions, bounce rate, keyword popularity and effectiveness, etc. Google Analytics will provide you with insight into everything that does and doesn’t pay off for you, meaning you will always know what to do next in order to increase the impact of your ads and decrease their cost. Sometimes you will be surprised to see how ineffective some of your keywords are, or how little they bring into and how much they take out of your wallet. If you follow the advice of these accurate graphs and pie charts, you will be well on your way to developing a perfect advertisement campaign.
8. Balanced investment
You may sometimes notice that some of the keywords you consider to be of utmost importance aren’t bringing in as many customers as you thought they would be. This could mean that you need to come up with a new keyword, but it can also happen due to the misplacement (or not-so-relevant placement) of your ads. The higher you set the CPC (Cost Per Click) of an ad, the more likely it is to attract visitors to your site. A higher price means more important ad placement. If you believe one of your ads deserves more attention than it’s getting, you should opt for higher pricing and see how it plays out. If dissatisfied with the new and supposedly improved results, you can always make a new ad with a different keyword that compensates for the previous one.
9. Testing
Even though you probably have a clear idea of what you want to achieve through advertising and how to achieve it, sometimes the consumers themselves will prove you wrong with their lack of interest. That means a poor advertisement, and a good way of avoiding it (or improving your already solid advertisement plan) is to constantly experiment with anything you consider a good potential replacement for your currently active ad. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to place a test ad into the same field of advertisement and see how much it benefits you. If your test variation proves to be more successful than its predecessor, it’s time to tweak your ads.
10. Keyword expansion
Once you get a clear picture of what your most contributing ads are, the optimal choice is to expand their keywords from Exact Match (EM) to Broad Match (BM). Broad Match connects various search phrases with your keyword, making it much more impactful while also increasing the cost of your ad. With clear insight into which phrases bring you more customers and which do not, you can add the ones you consider irrelevant to your business as ‘Negative keywords’ in your AdWords settings.

Adwords – Attract the spotlight in your world
By following these efficient steps towards increasing the effectiveness of your AdWords campaign, you are most likely to make the type of appearance you desire on the world’s largest marketplace. Always keep in mind, though, that online advertising is dependent on such a large number of factors that these crucial ones require a lot of tweaking and attention overall, meaning that its effectiveness is highly dependent upon daily improvement.