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Lachlan Carney

Website Development, SEO and IT Support

Lachlan offers advice and expertise to businesses looking to improve their digital marketing presence. Holding a Bachelor of Information Technology degree from the University of Newcastle, Lachlan applies his knowledge to a variety of areas of computing including website development, ecommerce, email services, graphic design and social media. With a keen eye for design, Lachlan takes a passionate approach to developing websites with a deep understanding of functionality & design aesthetics.

Lachlan’s expertise in marketing within the digital space has allowed him to run successful SEO campaigns on numerous websites, helping them jump up the ranks in Google.  Lachlan has helped train individuals and businesses on the correct operations to achieve long term digital growth and development.

With a passion for videography and photography, Lachlan has worked with clients such as the Endocrine Department at John Hunter Hospital, ConnectAbility & Hunter Valley Tours to create advertisement campaigns through the medium of video and imagery.

Outside of work Lachlan enjoys, playing music, going for runs and watching movies.

In 2019 Lachlan directed ‘State of Mind’ a short film that won Best Original Score (Platinum) ISA 2020 & Best Mystery Short Film (Silver) ISA 2020 and was awarded a Newbie Award for best music video ‘I See Red By Rum Jungle’.

In 2018 Lachlan directed ‘Tomaree: An Ancient Summit’, a local nature educational documentary which was nominated & screened for the Real Film Festival 2019.